POPIA Policy
Protection of Personal Information Act
Data Subject
Person to whom the personal information relates [natural or juristic person]
Responsible Person
The person who determines the purpose of and means for processing personal information
Person who processes personal information for a responsible person Ito a contract/mandate, without coming under direct authority of that party
Anything that you can do with personal information including collection, storage, modification, destruction, etc.
We are committed to compliance with The Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act and will always:
POPI Policy
Sufficiently inform Data Subjects (Candidates/applicants/work-seekers/learners hereafter referred to as “Candidate/s” as well as “Clients”), of the specific purpose for which we will collect and process their personal information;
Protect Personal Information from threats, whether internal or external, deliberate or accidental, to ensure business continuation, minimize business damage and maximize business opportunities.
This Policy establishes measures, processes, and standards for the protection and lawful processing of personal information.
The Information Officer, Marlk Fingleson, is responsible for:
The monitoring of this policy;
Ensuring that this policy is supported by appropriate documentation;
Ensuring that this policy and subsequent updates are communicated to relevant managers, representatives, staff, and associates, where applicable.
All employees are responsible for adhering to this policy and for reporting any security breaches or incidents to the Information Officer.
Service Providers that provide IT and/or Off-site Data Storage services, to our organization must satisfy us that they provide adequate protection of data held by them on our behalf.
Accountability for Data to be collected
- We shall take reasonable steps to safeguard all Data and Personal Information collected from Candidates/Clients for the purpose of Permanent/Temporary recruitment, training etc.
Processing Limitation/Purpose for Data Collection
- We will collect personal information directly from Candidates/Clients.
- Personal Information from Social Networks and Job-seeker portals will be collected with the express consent of the Candidate/s.
POPI Policy
- Once in our possession, we will only process or further process Candidate/Client information with their consent, except where we are required to do so by law. In the latter case, we will always inform the Candidate/Client.
Specific Purpose
- Personal information collected from Candidates/Clients will be used to secure Permanent or Temporary employment on behalf of Candidates, or for the purposes of training initiatives.
Limitation on Further Processing
- Personal information may not be further processed in a way that is incompatible with the initial purpose for which it was collected and will only be done with the express consent of the Candidate/Client.
Information Quality
- We shall ensure that Candidate information is complete, up to date, and accurate before we use it. We will request Candidates, at least once annually, to update their information and confirm that we may continue to store/retain same. If we are unable to contact a Candidate their information will be deleted from our records.
- Where personal information is collected from a source other than directly from a Candidate (Eg Social media, Job portals) we will make Candidates aware: (a) That their information is being collected and the specific reason; (b) Who is collecting their information by giving them our details.
Data Security Safeguards
- We will implement sufficient measures to guard against the risk of unlawful access, loss, damage, or destruction of personal information that is held:
o physically
o in our electronic database;
o by a Data Storage Service Provider;
o in any electronic devices (that will be Password protected).
- Data encryption of storage devices will be installed.
POPI Policy
- We are committed to ensuring that information is only used for legitimate purposes with Candidate/Client consent and only by authorized employees of our agency.
Participation of Individuals/Complaints
- Candidates/Clients are entitled to access and correct any information held by us.
- Complaints should be submitted in writing to the Information Officer for Resolution.
- Requests to Access, Correct or Delete information must be made on the attached Annexures 1 and 2 and submitted to the Information Officer.
- Management and the Information Officer are responsible for ensuring adherence to Standard Operating Procedures.
- All employees and individuals directly associated with business activities will be trained in the regulatory requirements governing the protection of Personal Information.
- We will conduct periodic reviews and audits, where appropriate, to ensure compliance with this policy and guidelines.
Policy Compliance
- Breach/es of this policy could result in disciplinary action and termination of employment.
Personal information can be dispatched either:
- Physically – In which case it is to be hand-delivered in a sealed envelope and will require the signature of the relevant recipient.
- Emailed via our secured IT Platforms utilising MS Outlook and not through any 3rd party emailing software.
- Candidates
POPI Policy
- Flex employees
- Clients
- Drake employees
- Learners
Includes but not limited to:
- Identity or passport number
- Date of birth and age
- Phone numbers
- Email address
- Physical address
- Gender, race and ethnic origin
- Disability
- Biometric data
- Marital relationship status
- Criminal record
- Private correspondence
- Employment history and salary
- Financial information
- Educational information
- Physical and mental health information
The following provisions will apply with regards to direct marketing campaigns:
- Existing Clients – may market similar products and services.
- New Clients – obtain consent first.
- May only request consent once.
- Opt-in and Opt-out provisions must be in place.
- Opt-out opportunities must be provided when information is first collected and with each subsequent communication.
POPI Policy
- Personal information collected is to be stored digitally via our secure CRM system,
- Printing of documentation containing personal information is only to be done when absolutely necessary.
- Physical documentation containing personal information is to be filed immediately in secured filing cabinets with restricted access.
- RecruitWell contract with a 3rd party service provider who will destroy all documentation containing personal information as needed.
- Documents are placed in locked bins until collected. Once collected documents are placed in lockable bags for transport. Upon arrival at the facility, all documentation will be shredded.
Step 1
- Inform One Level Up and Information Officer immediately.
- Secure personal information on the same day.
Step 2
- Complete an internal investigation within 24 hours and compile a report.
Step 3
- Inform Information Regulator as soon as possible.
- Inform Data Subject and Client where applicable.
Step 4
- Take corrective action to strengthen protocols and prevent future breaches.